Artbook project

People who are in a depression state always feel stagnated; the weight of their body, the hard work of working or learning, will make them lose appetite, sleepy, and lost in their minds. The negativity always comes first, and they feel the burden on their shoulders. All the signs of depression can be seen around us. A change of emotion is the first sign that our mind is telling us that we are not fine. Normal, when we go to work, we go out and have fun, using social media to "shoot the breeze". frustrated about the traffic jam, which blows hot and cold because of the weather. Another side of the coin is that people who are depressed feel the meaninglessness of life; a dull day will drown them, and the aftermath of their judgment to themselve will make them free fallin' deeper into the void of emptiness. In this art book, the story of the people who are to hell and back with the depression and how they pick themselves up and keep going day by day to get out the prison that is holding them back, which is their mind, will be shown through pictures to readers to better understand their struggle to carry their enemies and the process of healing. Somewhere in this book will be the positive encouragement for all who are in this fight. The inner voice is calling for you to run those final few yards. Keep going, and keep going. It will all be okay in the end.

Illustrator: Phương UyênAnh ThưHòa Thuận
Designer: Hòa Thuận
Content creator: Hòa Thuận
Photographer: Anh Thư
Other: Vỹ Diệu, Quế Anh



